Consider This......
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Another reminder to not text and drive

This is a little long, but a good overview of snow plowing

Give them a brake!  Fines are now at least $300 for speeding in a work zone.

US Transportation Dept. warns drivers U Drive, U Text, U Pay

April 7, 2014 - ItCanWaitCampaign

New Zealand traffic safety commercial emphasizing that other drivers make mistakes, too, so be careful.

Feb 2014 - We would like to ask the public for patience as we continue through the  snow season.  This time of year blowing and drifting snow poses a  considerable  challenge.  Windy conditions will cause roads to  become snow covered  and then the winds will change directions resulting in  even more snow covered  roads.  This combined with more direct  sunlight causes the snow to stick to  the road resulting in a difficult  time of year.

We are using all available resources to keep the roads as  open and clear as  possible.  Operators are working many hours of  overtime toward this  end.  Even with this effort, operators are only  able to plow the 324 miles  of county roads twice per day with a little  more in some areas. 

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